Friday, December 3, 2010

Be Kind???

I remember when I was little, my beautiful filipino Grandma used to tell me if I had nothing nice to say, don't say nothing.  I never got that, I guess my genes during development took a vote to be the polar opposite of those exact words.  I am more of a "If you have nothing nice to say, sit next to me" kinda gal.

I can't help myself, I try...I really do but then my brain takes over and I just state the obvious.  I do have feelings, I can't let a stranger cry alone and I find myself really saddened when I see someone eating by themselves but then someone will walk by and erase the kind thoughts immediately.

I wonder if it actually is genetic.  Can I pass this trait on to my kids?  Will they look at an obese woman shoved in spandex wearing a tight short sweater in a pair of stilletto's with feet that look like stuffed sausages stretching the leather to the brink of explosion and think she should be fined for offending my eyesight.

See that was horrible and yet I can't stop myself.  It is a curse I must say, sit next to me and I  manage to turn a normally nice person into the same "sit by'er" I am in less than 5 minutes.  Is it a disease?  As I'm writing this I'm already beginning to think that perhaps it is, my mind wanders into the ridiculous visions I've seen throughout the day and can't remember a single beautiful moment.

Why was that woman wearing pale lipstick with dark brown liner? Why did that man wear his pants so high his belt had to scratch his chin? Why in the world do people think..need I say more.  I am almost 100% sure that someone is doing the same thing somewhere right now, sitting at home with absolutely nothing nice to say and who knows, maybe they're talking about me.

I'm hoping to send a message out to the world....Be kind to others, have something pleasant to say to put a smile on someone's face and never ever,ever sit by me.

1 comment:

  1. I'll sit next to you any day :) I think it might be genetic. It's more pronounced in you but I'm pretty sure we both inherited it from mom. Or maybe dad. Remember going to the flea market with dad? The comments that would come out of his mouth?! Wooowee! Yeah, you definitely get it from dad. I get the road rage from mom. I actually thought about rear ending an asshole today who cut me off. I even accelerated but braked at the last second. I don't know why. I have excellent insurance. I should have just done it. F*ckin' a$$hole would've thought twice before cutting someone off like that again. Love you!
