Thursday, December 2, 2010

Athiests in America!

Apparently there is a sign near the Lincoln Tunnel that shows a Christmas nativity scene with a headline that states "You KNOW it's a myth". Not only is this sign put up during the most holiest of holidays for most Americans, but its utilizing a vision of christianity to prove it's tasteless point. My understanding is this sign has a price tag of over $20,000, I mean to say that someone was willing to invest $20,000 to insult religion during these hardest of economic times for most Americans which is even worse than posting the sign.

What possesses a person or persons to deliberately cause such an uproar during a season that signifies love thy neighbor, when most people who usually aren't actually become pleasant to be around? What was the purpose exactly? To make others feel doubt? Perhaps force individuals to question their faith? A sign will NEVER do that, faith is deep within a persons upbringing, their heart and soul. I'm not saying just Christians, all religious faith is deep within the soul of a person. Why else have most wars and death been surrounded by these faiths if this were not so.

I am a Christian with unfailing faith. I have lost a child and almost everything I own due to the economy, I have never turned my back on God or doubted my faith. I don't force my beliefs on others while I can honestly say that some do, and they do so with strong force and murder. I am not one of those people but I am one to speak my mind and speak it I will.

I have no issues with others beliefs, be it Muslim, Hindu, Buddhism or otherwise, if it makes you feel good to believe in something greater than yourself, so be it. My issues are with the fact that God has already been taken out of our schools, my daughter was instructed to remove the cross on her necklace because it offended other students. I've listened to the argument to remove God from Our Nation's Pledge of Allegiance, OUR NATION'S Pledge of Allegiance! Suck it up people whether you believe in it or not. Everyday I am forced to listen to the incessant baby babble about whining people whose sensibilities can't handle something other than their own mediocre opinion and yet I do not place a $20,000 billboard that says "Suck it UP and grow up you whining excuses for human beings!" Is that not my right?

I am not angry or frightened by athiests, agnostics or satanists for that matter. Just tired of listening to individuals who believe they are in an elite class of human beings with an intelligence beyond my feeble understanding simply because I believe in something you can't touch or see.

Before I give myself high blood pressure from the unending frustration, I take comfort in knowing that at the end of the day, when the plane is about to crash, in that millisecond before it hits the ground...athiests can only place their heads between their knees and kiss their ass goodbye, as for me I will be praying to my God and believing Iwill be with my son and my God in a place much better than this.

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